A dental emergency can happen at any time; you could get injured during a sporting event, or you could slip on hidden ice while walking in the winter. If you do experience a dental emergency, your first step is to get into contact with your dentist in Sarnia as quickly as possible to help you assess the situation.
How Do You Know You Are Experiencing A Dental Emergency?
You will know you are experiencing a dental emergency if you suffered an injury or trauma to your mouth. Here is a list of examples:
- Prolonged bleeding from your mouth
- Cracked or lost a tooth
- Unbearable pain that will not go away with over the counter medicine
- Noticeable swelling
What Do I Do If I Have A Dental Emergency?
The first thing you should do is contact your dentist right away. If it is after hours, check if they offer emergency dental services. If not, Google “Emergency Dentist Near Me” to find the closest dentist to your location.
Depending on the type of emergency you are experiencing, there are different things you should do. Here are a few examples of the most common dental emergencies and tips you should follow in the event you are experiencing any of them.
Knocked-Out Tooth
If you have suffered a fall or serious injury where you have lost a tooth, it needs to be looked after as soon as possible. If you can find the tooth, try placing it back into the vacant socket gently. If you are not able to place it back comfortably, soak it in a cup of milk or saltwater before rushing to your dentist.
Using Cold Therapy on Your Broken Tooth
In the event that you have chipped or broken your tooth, but it is not completely knocked-out, the best thing to do is look for the pieces if you can. After that, you should rinse your mouth and then try and stop the bleeding. You will most likely be in pain, so you can use a cold compress to help with the swelling. Just apply it to your mouth before seeing your dentist.
Stuck Objects
Never use a sharp object to dislodge any debris that might get stuck in between your teeth. We know it is a frustrating feeling to have anything stuck between your teeth, but using a sharp object could make it worse. It could lead to bleeding and then infection in the worst cases. Try using dental floss instead or visit your dentist if you cannot get it out yourself.
Here at Wiltshire Family Dental, we can help you with any dental emergency you are experiencing. Always contact a professional if you have any questions or concerns about your dental health. We offer tooth replacement services and dental restoration should your dental emergency require it. Call or visit us today.
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